Weight Loss Update

Its been 2 months since I’ve updated you guys about my weight loss progress. I started out in May at 153lbs and now that it’s November, I currently weigh 127.4.

August 30, 2017


November 5, 2017


November 17, 2017


I was only weighing myself once every 3 months, but something said weigh yourself a week later and here I am at 127.4. I was perfectly happy at 130. I was trying to maintain that weight. Once I got sick with the flu, I thought that I wouldn’t have lost anymore weight because I didn’t workout for a week, but I was still eating healthy. Now I don’t want to lose anymore weight, so what can I do, because I don’t plan on not working out. I try to workout 3 days a week now instead of 5.

I also have a little belly fat that I am trying to get rid of as well. So if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Like I’ve stated in my other posts, I started this journey just so I could fit a pair of shorts for a vacation that I was taking in July. Now here I am trying to maintain this loss and not go back to where I started.


What I Ate This Weekend

I wanted to post what I ate for dinner this weekend. I have a thing for pasta and I’ve been craving it for some time now. So I went looking online for different recipes to try and zucchini pasta seemed cool and easy so why not give it a try! So I went out and bought a Veggetti and a bunch of zucchini.



I just added butter, sea salt and pepper to the pan to get everything hot.


And here’s the finished product! I added sautéed veggies and some pasta sauce on top! This really tasted like pasta and I really enjoyed it. I’m trying to find new thing to try instead of eating the same ol’ thing. This is so quick and easy and saves me a bunch of time. This is something I can see myself cooking on the weekends!

Seeing Progress

When I started this journey back in May I did not take any before pics, but I did weigh myself. I weighed 153lbs.

This pic was taken August 21, 2017 (laying down).


This pic was taken August 25, 2017.


And here, August 30, 2017 of me finally weighing myself after almost three months.


So as you can see, I’m currently down 15.6lbs. Like I stated before, it’s not all about the number for me, its about the progress that I’m seeing. I am grateful that I decided to take the plunge and continue on with this process. Eventually, I’ll get to where I’m going, but until then, I’ll just continue to push myself!

Where Do I Begin….

I was going to post the meals that I usually eat in a day, but I got food poisoning last night. I figure I’d just post a little about myself for now.

The whole reason for me starting this journey to lose weight and better my health was that I started noticing that my breathing was irregular. I could literally walk to the mailbox and be out of breath. Then of course vacation time came around and I couldn’t fit the two pairs of shorts that I own. I refused to purchase any clothes. I asked my aunt if I could “borrow” her treadmill, and from that day on I’ve been on a mission.

See I’ve never been “over-weight” or “big”, just average my whole life. When my father passed away last year, I never noticed that I wasn’t eating as much, so my clothes were fitting and my health was relatively good. But I guess after a few months, I started eating like crap, and chips and Pepsi became my friend. I also started eating fast food like everyday.

Too me, this isn’t about being the most skinny person, it’s about choosing to eat better and workout to where I can become a better me. Everyone has a set goal, like a set number, but I don’t. I don’t have any role models to look at, I’m just looking at myself and liking what I see.


Hi Guys!

This is my first blog post here! This blog will be about my fitness journey and lifestyle. I currently already have a blog about beauty, and I didn’t want to add my fitness and all things related to health there.

This spot will be all about my growth and attempting to lose some weight. I’ll be posting about my workouts, meals and other things as well. I also want to put some fashion on here as well, because what comes along with losing weight? Shedding pounds and buying new clothes lol.

So with that being said, I hope you all will come along with me on this journey and if you have any advice, please share it with me!!

Thank you.


P.S. if you want to check out my other blog it’s: http://www.briscoewhitney.wordpress.com